BCL of Texas is happy to offer knowledge on “How Business Credit is Used”. This seminar will help startups, entrepreneurs, and existing businesses learn about types of credit and financing to power your business! Through our session, you will be able to access and use different types of credit to meet your business needs.
Who should attend?
Open to everyone in the San Marcos community, including entrepreneurs, small business owners, and anyone interested in learning more information on starting their entrepreneurship journey!
Topics that will be covered in this segment:
- Distinction of product and service
- Lines of credit
- Credit cards
- Term loans
- SBA financing products
Additionally, at the end of the class, you’ll have the opportunity to ask a professional any questions you have!
Have questions about this free workshop? Contact Leonardo Pozzobon at (512)383-0027 or by email at lpozzobon@bcloftexas.org.
Suite 500 Austin, TX 78701 P: 512.912.9884 F: 346.301.5752 NMLS #1114924
Suite 1220 Dallas, TX 75208 P: 214.688.7456 F: 346.301.5752 NMLS #1114924
Suite 2 San Marcos, TX 78666 P: 512.383.0027 NMLS #1114924