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Hello Family and Friends,
Growing up, I was taught that Sundays are holy days of obligation - days for prayer, solace, and introspection. As an economic, business, and community developer, my past weeks have been spent working around the clock, helping neighboring towns with new relief loan funds to approve close to 40 loans at zero percent interest, many of these loans forgivable after three payments.
I have prepared best and worst case financial forecasts for BCL and have asked funders for relief on our capital loans. In board meetings, we have assessed the progress made in our Dallas, San Antonio, and Bay City single family developments and pledge to keep these affordable housing development on track. I prepared a 5-year strategic plan outline for BCL to stay within the Board’s timeframe and have been working on grants with April deadlines.
I follow the CARES Act and the newest developments for more capital for small businesses. I have created features for new small business Revolving Loan Funds and try to keep up with 300+ emails weekly. BCL was founded years ago during an economic recession and we have learned that our customers and communities need BCL’s help the most during economic recessions.
In between work, I make my best effort to stay home, washing my hands frequently, and I make home cooked meals. As I reflect today, while listening to calm ambient music from my Bose, I am compelled to write this message. I encourage all of you to do something that you enjoy. Today, be introspective. Go for a walk, enjoy the outdoors, read a book, make popcorn, and watch something you’ve been waiting to see on Netflix. You might try cleaning out your closet or organizing the kitchen cabinets or the garage. No matter what you decide to do - do it. Find solace in knowing that we are all committed to staying healthy together.
Two Sundays ago, I bought sweet blooming jasmine and holly fern plants. Last Sunday, I baked a bunny cake for my 18-month grandson’s Easter. It was the same bunny cake my mother made for me and my siblings for Easter and the same bunny cake I baked for my daughters during Easter. And using Zoom, all Rios siblings called our 91 year-old Dad Rios to make sure he was safe and healthy. So, in my toughest weeks, I do make a bit of time to relax. Today I will touch the jasmine and ferns that have been waiting in our front porch for me to repot.
I know that many of you have also been working endless hours. Although I am tired and continue to worry about the many unknowns ahead, I promise to take time off and to find inspiration in watching my plants grow and bloom.
I remain confident and hopeful of tomorrow’s promise. Juntos Salimos Adelante!
Rosa Rios Valdez
Founder, Business & Community Lenders of Texas
Suite 500 Austin, TX 78701 P: 512.912.9884 F: 346.301.5752 NMLS #1114924
Suite 1220 Dallas, TX 75208 P: 214.688.7456 F: 346.301.5752 NMLS #1114924
Suite 2 San Marcos, TX 78666 P: 512.383.0027 NMLS #1114924